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New Mexicans are well served by health care reform

PUBLISHED in the Albuquerque Jourmal: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 at 12:05 am

For Levi Casas, sometimes just getting out of bed was exhausting.

Although he’s decades younger, there were some days when he felt like he was 80 years old. Born and raised in Las Cruces, Levi worked a steady job until he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.

After chemotherapy ravaged his system, Levi was no longer able to work. Without a job, he lost his health insurance. Soon he went from fighting cancer to fighting for access and affordable treatments that could save his life.

Fortunately, Levi was able to get the care he needed through new health care options. Today, with his cancer treatments covered by Medicaid, Levi’s tumor has shrunk considerably and he is nearing the end of his chemo sessions.

Health care reform has given thousands of New Mexicans a new chance at a healthier life like Levi’s. More than 422,000 previously-uninsured people in New Mexico have new options for accessing high quality, affordable health care – either through Medicaid or the New Mexico Health Insurance Exchange.

But the story doesn’t end there. Although the first round of open enrollment through NMHIX ended on March 31, thousands of New Mexicans are still eligible to sign up for low- or no-cost insurance options all year round.

If you are a family of four earning less than about $32,000, or an individual earning less than about $16,000, you could be eligible for no-cost insurance through our state’s expanded Medicaid program. You can enroll at any time and begin coverage immediately. In addition, Native Americans are also eligible to sign up for insurance at any point during the year, regardless of income.

Thanks to these new health care options, it is easier than ever to apply and enroll in Medicaid. Eligibility is now simply based on income.

This means that thousands more New Mexicans who previously did not qualify for Medicaid can get the care they need. This is also great news for those that were previously turned down when they applied – including childless adults who, for the first time in New Mexico, may qualify for Medicaid.

For many, financial assistance means that their health insurance costs are less per month than a cell phone bill. But the benefits – like doctors’ visits, prescription drugs, and screenings for diseases like cancer and diabetes – can be truly priceless.

Native Americans in New Mexico also stand to benefit from better access to health care plans – particularly important for our state, where they make up more than 10 percent of the population. Improving access and quality of care is something our tribal communities desperately need.

Native Americans in New Mexico experience large health disparities compared to the rest of the state and are more likely to be sicker and die younger. They also are face unique obstacles in access and affordability of care.

For those living on a reservation, health care facilities and services are limited and typically do not offer in-patient services, specialty or major emergency care. Those living off the reservation must find health care that meets regulations from Indian Health Services, whittling down their choices.

Now if you are Native American you can purchase private insurance through NMHIX at any time, and, if your household income is below $34,470 for an individual or $70,650 for a family of four, you won’t have to pay for out-of-pocket costs like deductibles, co-payments and co-insurance.

This makes providing care to one out of 10 New Mexicans even more affordable.

During open enrollment, more than 95,000 new people signed up for insurance through NMHIX or Medicaid. This is a great success, and it will continue to grow as more Native Americans and people eligible for Medicaid enroll in coverage.

That’s thousands more people like Levi that will have access to quality, affordable life-saving care.

New Mexicans who want to enroll can contact Medicaid at, or by calling 855-637-6574. Native Americans who wish to enroll can contact the Native American Professional Parent Resources, at 855-241-8137.

Original Link:

Health Action

Outreach and Education Campaign Contributes to Enrollment Surge

GUEST POST: Julie Bataille, Director, Office of Communications, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services

Today’s release of the final Enrollment Report for the first open enrollment period shows that over 8 million consumers enrolled in quality health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace.  These results clearly demonstrate that the affordable coverage offered through the Marketplace is what Americans need and want. 

These numbers were also achieved thanks, in part, to an unprecedented public outreach and education campaign to increase awareness among the uninsured about the new Marketplace, Medicaid, and the Children’s Health Insurance Program, in communities across the country.

Over the course of the initial open enrollment period, HHS officials, Federal agencies across the government, members of the Administration, and our partners outside of government, engaged in a combination of outreach strategies—including traditional media, social media, community-based outreach, and in-person assistance—to help uninsured Americans get the information they needed to find health coverage that meets their needs and budget.  The campaign also focused on those populations that would most benefit from access to affordable coverage, including ethnic and racial minorities.

Let me share some of our key efforts with you:

  • Our efforts included over 7,700 outreach and enrollment activities across the country—including over 2,100 activities in Latino communities, and over 1,700 activities in African-American communities.
  • Over the course of Open Enrollment, more than 28,000 in-person assisters were trained, and they reached more than 2.4 million consumers through events, outreach activities, and storefront locations.  Over 4.7 million consumers were helped by more than 14,000 assistors at Community Health Centers nationwide.
  • Our Call Center supported more than 20.6 million calls from FFM states, including 1.2 million in Spanish, and more than 114,000 calls in other languages. Additionally, millions of people visited
  • We launched Marketplace Facebook pages and Twitter accounts in both English and Spanish, and netted over 327,000 Facebook Fans in English and an additional 55,000 Fans in Spanish.
  • In our partnership work, more than 1,900 national, state, and local organizations in every state signed on to become “Champions for Coverage,” and worked to increase awareness and understanding of the Marketplace, as well as Medicaid and CHIP.  

Taken together, our outreach and education efforts during this first open enrollment period significantly raised awareness about the Marketplace and its benefits; ensured that consumers had the information and assistance they needed to apply for and enroll in quality coverage; and contributed to over 8 million enrollees. As we begin to work on year two, we plan to build on this success and the lessons learned over the past months to reach even more Americans who stand to benefit from the security of quality, affordable coverage.

Health Action

Notes from the field: An Enrollment Outreach Worker Supports Dental Therapists

Guest post by Maria Perez

I worked on consumer outreach and education during this first open enrollment period in New Mexico. And as I talked to the uninsured about the amazing possibility of gaining health coverage, the first reaction I usually got was one of suspicion.

“Do you work for the State? For the Insurance Companies?”

This happened a lot. Once I explain, sometimes two or three times, that I work for a non-profit organization devoted to issues of health access and advocacy, people begn to warm up to the idea that maybe this Obamacare thing is actually happening, and that somehow it may actually benefit them and their families.

Then they start getting excited and asking lots of pertinent questions.

One of the most common questions I got was “Will dental be included in these plans?” It is amazing how much people have to put off getting dental care in this state! It is not uncommon to hear stories of how working families haven’t been able to get dental care in over a decade.

I tell them that Medicaid does include dental care in its plan, and the relief that I sense from these folks is intense.

But the question remains, how will so many people who have been putting off their dental care gain actual access to the services when there is such a shortage of providers? I advise them to be patient in regards to this. Yes, they will gain access to dental care, but it will take some time to come up with a workforce solution.

For this very reason, New Mexico needs Dental Therapists!

Word of Mouth

StoryTellers as Agents for Change


This is Iris Gersh.

At the age of 63, Iris found herself living with fibromyalgia and without health care. In the fall of 2013, she discovered that New Mexico had expanded their Medicaid program, allowing herself and many other New Mexicans to apply for coverage for the first time. She applied. A few months later, Medicaid sent her a denial letter for full coverage, and instead presented her with Family Planning coverage.

At age 63, Iris clearly needs coverage beyond Family Planning. She decided not to give up. With limited knowledge of how she might be able to change her situation, she began researching online what those options may be. Within a few short weeks, Iris reached out to HANM and the NM Center on Law & Poverty for assistance on filing an appeal with the Income Support Division office that denied her full Medicaid coverage. She filed the appeal, and was successful in getting full coverage.

As of today, Iris is now receiving full coverage through Medicaid and is able to afford the medication she desperately needs to fight her chronic fibromyalgia.

There is a need for these stories.

Like Iris, there are thousands more stories in New Mexico of people who have been positively impacted by new health coverage options. But many of them haven’t had the opportunity or the platform to share their story. As advocates for change, how can we give a voice to those who are fighting to be heard? These storytellers are, or can become, huge catalysts for change within their communities. They can get their communities excited about the new health coverage options, and inspired to take action.

As community advocates we all need to make sure these consumer voices are heard. These stories are a compelling picture of what’s happening in New Mexico - not just a statistic. So grab your iPhones, your voice recorders, or your notebooks. Go out with open hearts & ears, and find the consumer voices that have carried the weight of this struggle for better health care in New Mexico. They are the voices that shine the light of hope as we move forward.

Health Action

To Your Health - Own it!

Campus Chalking

Students at the University of New Mexico are not messing around when it comes to health insurance. Groups like the BA/MD organization, ASUNM, NMPIRG, and others are hitting the concrete slabs of campus and ensuring the student body knows that they STILL have today to sign up for coverage!

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As Young Invincibles, students, young adults or whichever code name for “youngster” you’d like to identify with, we’re faced with a bucket-list of challenges and equally a basket full of opportunities. Some of those challenges involve financial disparities, lack of time, or our bicycle (which is our only form of transportation) got stolen and our dogs are BARKING. So, where in all that does health coverage fit in? Check out the video below to find out how to 1) learn more 2) get enrolled 3) share with your roommate who likes to jump off those cliffs at Jemez and always seems to get hurt.

To hear more about how you can get coverage and WHY should get coverage, check out Nathan Lihte’s Story here.

Nathan Lihte's Story, by HealthActionNM


Health Action

Create Your Own Creative Coverage Cabaret


Portable Dorothy, performing at HANM's Creative Coverage Cabaret

So you must be wondering… what is a Creative Coverage Cabaret? Think: Health Care Outreach using live comedy, slam poetry, improv, musicians, and other creatives who exercise their artistic abilities to spread the word about getting enrolled!

Want to do your own? Not sure what to look for or where to start? Here’s our tip sheet to get you Cabaret-ing your way to Coverage:

1) Location, Location, Location!

  • Where can you find YOUR audience?
  • Bars are nice, but watch out for lighting, sound quality, and floor layout.
  • Outdoor locations like parks, amphitheaters, plazas, etc. (Make sure to check the sound quality capabilities.)
  • Coffee shops are great for a cozier cabaret.

2) Performers to Perform the Art of Performing

  • Vet those artist types: they can be wild-cards, so make sure you book the right artists.
  • Look for people who honestly care about your issue.
  • Try getting artists who can tie health care into their act (ex: see the Rio Dos Lunas Improv team video below)
  • Do you like collaborating with them? If not, don’t book em!
  • Choose a fantastic emcee! Ideally, they should be well known in your community, comfortable working a crowd, and entertaining/HILARIOUS.
Creative Coverage Cabaret: Rio Dos Lunas Healthcare Improv, by HealthActionNM

3) Line Ups or Set Lists are the Key

  • Put those organizational skills to practice by creating a detailed agenda for the evening.
  • Depending on your vision for the evening, assign 5-20 minute time slots for each artist.
  • Have a point person who is tasked with keeping the show moving on time the day of the big event. Bonus points if this is also your emcee!

4) Take a Stab at your Own TED Talk

  • 8 minutes max! Give just enough information to get people (a) excited about their options, and (b) empowered to take action.
  • Use a health care story of a local community member to get the ball rolling.
  • Statistics are great, but keep them to a minimum.
  • Close with a Call to Action that entices the crowd to see what coverage is available for them.

5) Get them interacting

  • No one likes to sit for two hours straight. We broke up the evening with a pub quiz.
  • Pub quiz: 12-15 questions, broken up into two sections. People answered the questions on a sheet of paper as a team at their table. The winning table went home with a prize!

6) Have Fun

  • Event planning can be stressful, but Cabarets are meant to be fun. So: 1) Kick back and Trust your Line Up 2) No Matter What, the Show Will Go On 3) Believe in the Outreach & Education, and People will Show Up.

Now, you’re ready to start creating! Feel free to contact us if you want more details on how to put on your own Creative Coverage Cabaret.

Health Action

The Many Faces of Medicaid Expansion

Esperanza Dodge - Albuquerque, NM

Esperanza is a working mother whose son has chronic asthma. She and her son were on Medicaid, but had to transition at the end of 2013. “It's been really helpful for me, because as a mother and as a woman, I'm able to provide for myself and get myself checked up, and anything that is healthcare related I know that I can cover it.”

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Levi Casas - Mesilla Park, NM

Levi did not have health insurance to cover his chemotherapy treatments. On October 1, 2013 Levi showed up to an ISD office in southern New Mexico to get enrolled for Medicaid.

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Alessandra - Penasco, NM

We talked to Alessandra in the fall. “I would love to enroll in Medicaid. I don’t know how to enroll. I need some help finding out how to enroll.”

- - -

Governor Martinez agreed to expand Medicaid in New Mexico in 2013, and it went into effect on January 1, 2014. Great! But for the average New Mexican, what does that even mean?

If you were like me 6 months ago, Medicaid was like a distant cousin I’d only heard about through conversations over tea and a fruit cake with my Great Aunt Marie. And for all I knew, FPL could have meant Frosting Pie Lovers. What expanded, then? And how does it affect you, or me, or your neighbor in apartment C who's always getting hurt doing the darndest things - insert warning label here.

Here’s the skinny.

Eligibility will now be primarily based on income, rather than on the multiple eligibility categories that were used before. That’s the FPL I mentioned, which actually stands for “Federal Poverty Level.” FPL is a way to measure people’s income levels. Single, childless adults are now be able to get Medicaid if they have an FPL below a certain percentage. This has never happened before in New Mexico!

Now, I know what you’re thinking, “Well, Shucks, how do I know if I make too much or just the right amount to qualify for Medicaid?” The qualifying FPL for a household of one is now equal or lesser than $1,323 per month or $15,856 per year.  

Imagine the many New Mexicans Medicaid serves now!


Health Action

Marketplace Enrollment Success Story: "It's great!"

Mark Horst is a local artist in Albuquerque. He was one of the first to try enrolling on the Marketplace last fall. Once he was able to get past the website glitches, he found a plan that saved his family money. Check out his story.

Health Action

New HANM video series

Happy Friday, everyone!

Health Action has been working hard to collect consumer stories over the past several months. Now, the fun begins. We will start releasing the videos of these stories over the next several weeks. 

Here is our first: Guida. Guida lives in Albuquerque, NM. In 2002 she got a spider bite that changed her life. Medicaid helped her adjust to a difficult life change. This is her story.

Have a great weekend!

Health Action
