Health Action New Mexico

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Volunteer for Health Action NM Statewide Volunteer Opportunities Lets Connect!

Two Guides That Shine!

Agnes Chavez and CaraMia Begay Belen, NM created on Fri March 28, 2014

We volunteer for the for NMHIX outreach, which is the Marketplace for private insurance as well as Medicaid. Basically it’s what we like to do. We like to help others. We get a good sense of helping out the community.

This is my first time here. We’re glad we’re getting to know the community down here in Belen. It’s a big deal, a lot of people are low income and a lot of them don’t have the jobs they had before. It does benefit them and it does help them out a lot. It’s very beneficial.

I think a plus is that it covers dental and vision. A lot of the community does need dental care a lot of times that wasn’t offered, it was out of pocket. They couldn’t afford it.

It’s hard not to be emotionally involved with this, but we want to help people as much as we possibly can. Yet, we don’t make the final determination. You hear some pretty sad stories and you try and get them the resources they need. A lot of the times they also have housing problems or income problems, so we try and help them with that as well.

Many of them are computer illiterate as well. They’re usually glad to have our help with that. It gives us a great sense of appreciation that we’re able to do this.