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Practice What We Preach: What Health Coverage Means to Me This New Year

Stephanie Grilo South Valley, NM created on Thu January 2, 2014

The day after Christmas was spent in a panic for me. My dad had just informed me that I would be dropped from his health care plan come January 1st (the first I had heard of this) and that I woudl need to find coverage elsewhere. I had already started my Medicaid application processes but was still waiting on a few last minute documents to upload. There was hope yet!

However, I was then reminded that my perscriptions wouldn't be filled in time, that I needed desperately to go see a dentist about getting my wisdom teeth out because they began causing my jaw to lock and with that, grind my teeth at night which have caused small cracks in my back molars. I was anxiety ridden to say the least.

I knew there was a "no wrong door" policy that we have been driving home at Health Action NM for months now. So, I immediately called YDI of New Mexico to set up an appointment to finish my application process. I am proud to say that as of 3:00 pm this afternoon of January 2, 2013 my Medicaid application has been submitted with all the necessary documents, and I am on the road to coverage.

Now, what does the road to coverage mean to me? Including the above health issues I am currently facing, I have been through some traumas to my family within the past few years and realized it was time to face those fears and work out those traumas with a councelor. However, I've never been on a healthcare plan that covered mental health. So, I felt hopeless and unable to seek help. With Medicaid, there is a portion that covers mental health, and I can finally get the care that I need.

So, if I learned anything today, that is a new year brings fresh starts and new opportunities and if it wasn't for the Medicaid Expansion I would be health-care-less, and not the healthiest me I can be.