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National News

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National News As testing declines, US crosses 170,000 deaths and 5.4 m cases while schools reopen While testing declines as does finding and isolating cases, US crosses 170,000 deaths and 5.4mil National News As schools open, much is unknown about children and the virus Children and the virus: As schools reopen, much remains unknown about the risk to kids and the p National News Telehealth Medicare payment for providers extended beyond pandemic A presidential order and CMS guidance extend payment reimbursement for telehealth beyond the pan National News #COVID19: Reopening school and Parents, esp. parents of color, views KKF tracks views of reopening schools in key polling including high concerns of community of col National News GOP releases their latest relief package - some of what is not included GOP releases their latest COVIDd-19 response package. National News 23 States AGs sue over removal of LGBQT protections in the ACA 23 Democratic Attorney Generals are suing the Trump administration over the removal of non discr National News 5.4 million in US have lost health insurance so far in the Covid-19 crisis. 16% of New Mexicans now uninsured From Feb - May, 5.4 million Americans have lost health insurance.  New Mexico now has 16% of its National News Millions Have Lost Health Insurance in Pandemic-Driven Recession A new study estimates that more than five million American workers lost their insurance th National News W.H.O. to Review Evidence of Airborne Transmission of Coronavirus The World Health Organization plans to update its advice after hundreds of experts urged t National News Trump asks Supreme Court to invalidate the Affordable Care Act
