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You are not invincible! (Sorry.... but true.)

Young Invincibles Video Contest, by USGOVHHS

This fall, many young Americans will have more health insurance options available to them than ever before as the Affordable Care Act (ACA) begins allowing individuals to enroll in new subsidized health insurance plans. Young Invincibles and the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services have created a competition that will tap into the creativity and energy of young Americans while raising awareness about the new law and encouraging young people to take advantage of the benefits of health insurance.

With a prize pool worth up to $30,000, and over 100 prizes to be won, this is your opportunity to shine! Cash prizes will be awarded to the creators of the best videos in three distinct categories; so whether you’ve got a talent for short films, writing a great song, or designing an entertaining video infographic, you can be a winner! Click the links above to learn more about each of the categories and how you can participate.

Videos can be submitted during the five-week period starting on Monday, August 19th. A public voting period will follow to help determine the Finalists in each category, and a final round of voting and judging will determine who takes home the Grand Prize. The Young Invincibles website has all the juicy details.

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